Monday, September 10, 2012

Glacier Bay

This post is mostly pictures. I just wanted to show off some of the great pictures we took!  One of the highlights of the cruise was to go into Glacier Bay National Park.  When we were there it was cloudy and overcast with an eerie mystic feeling.   It is cold up by the glaciers and so you have to wear a coat.  The one good thing about it being overcast, was the color blue stands out more.

Glacier Bay

We were able to see some of the glacier fall off.  They call it "calfing". 
Leaving Glacier Bay
Once we were out of the Bay area, the weather cleared up and it turned out to be a beautiful day.   These pictures were taken from our  balcony.   Such beautiful scenery. 

Notice the glassy water.  This was as we were entering College Fjord. This bay is full of glaciers , all named after Colleges in the United States. 

A fishing boat, that looks so small up against the mountains, but in reality, it  was a big fishing boat.   Everything is just so big!    I hope you aren't getting tired of my Alaskan posts.  We took so many wonderful pictures.  I feel like I have to keep posting them! 
Until next time!


Cindy Brown said...

Amazingly beautiful! What a fun trip. Now I am anxious to see pictures of the interior. Thanks for posting!

Laura said...

Love the pictures! I'm so glad that you got to go on such a beautiful trip.