Sunday, September 2, 2012

This Way To Skagway

The next stop on our Cruise, was Skagway Alaska. This town is known for Gold Rush Fever.  It also became known as a tent city overnight because it was at the foot of the mountains leading into the Yukon Territory and the gold!
Today was Sunday, so we didn't want to do too much, but we wanted to get a feel of the town.  You can walk from the boat into town, so we did!  It was raining today, but not very cold.  We decided we would make plans for the day as we went along.  We started out with a walk to town and a stroll through main street.
The Red Onion Saloon is famous in Skagway. 
A view of the downtown street.  It was raining.
A stop at the saloon to warm up and catch up on the town news. 
A storefront in Skagway.. the National Park Service keeps up the painting in town.
Here comes the Train... Here comes the Train!
Let's take the train!
We decided to head over to the Train Station to buy a ticket.
Pretty Flowers~
Waiting for the train
A view from the train.
A view of the train!
A view of us, sitting in the train... wait!
David you ruined the picture.  Let's do it again!
There, that is much better!
Climbing the mountain to White Pass.  We saw a bear from the train, but it went by too fast for me to get a picture. 
The Top of the mountain with the misty clouds.
The United States and Canadian Boarder.  
We made it to the top of White Pass.
This is where the Canadian Mounty lived to make sure the miners had enough supplies to live in the Yukon, while they panned for gold!
Turning the train around.  The engine hooks to the back and we flip our seats and we are off again down the  mountain. 
David thinking about Alaska and wondering what it would be like to be a Gold Miner in these parts!
Heading back down the mountain
A rail road car you can rent for $35.00 a night!  It looked fun.

Today was a fun day and it was neat to see such a historic town and to ride the train!  It felt like we went back in time.   
We are having a great time on the boat too.  I didn't take very many pictures of the boat, because the outside scenery was so pretty and interesting.  We are headed to Glacier Bay and College Fjords over the next two days.  More to come!  


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