Saturday, January 14, 2012

January Project

I have decided to do a Levi quilt for my January Project. I found this cute idea on joyfulmomofmany blog site. and wanted to try it.

Here is the picture of the blocks and then you piece them together.

Here is a finished block

This is what I am doing right now- Cutting out the blocks!

I am not sure if I will be able to finish it by the end of January, but at least it will be started and on my list to get finished!  I am using old Levis I have had stored for years.. Yay for me :)


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bring on 2012

Every year I set a few goals I would like to accomplish.  Last year when we reviewed our goals, I didn't complete ONE!  So, with renewed energy, I decided to set some new goals and see if I can do better.  I felt that if I posted them on the blog I would be more inclined to complete them.

Goals for 2012

1.  Write a personal letter to each of my children and their spouse.  (this is kinda dumb, but we will see how it goes)
2. Write in my Journal at least once a week and include things I am grateful for.
3. Plan and GO on a big vacation this year.
4. Attend a Cooking Class and try some new recipes this year (5 or 6 recipes)
5. Become better at Geography by studying about different parts of the world! (this is a funny one, but I found this workbook on Europe and it as been interesting to learn new facts about that part of the world)
6. Read 50 books ( I did this last year so not a stretch unless I go blind this year)
7. Stay on an eating plan for 60 days in a row!
8. Exercise 3 days a week (at least.... maybe more)
9. Get fresh air everyday...
AND finally number 10...
10. Do one project a month and post it on the blog.

Here is how I looked before I accomplished my new Goals!
There,  I have written them down, now let it be so!



Kaelynn was able to come down and stay with us a few days before her family arrived for Christmas break! We had a fun time making cookies and shopping. On Sunday we dressed alike! It was fun to spend some special time with our Granddaughter.

We dressed alike for Church
Matching bows in our hair... I didn't actually wear the bow to church, but added it after for the full effect!

Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year

Welcome to 2012. I am always excited for a new year and all the hopes and dreams it brings. We had a busy December and I didn't blog about it, so here is me playing catch up!

Santa Claus Visit!










Axton doing his talent of Smiling!

Kaelynn playing her piano piece

Jeff and Sarah Telling jokes

Eli busting a move with Popcorn Popping

More to come later!