Tuesday, July 22, 2014

St. Petersburg, Russia!

We are in St. Petersburg, Russia today.  Last night our ship, The Island of the Sea, sailed us to Russia! It was smooth sailing and today we woke up and are ready for our Russian experience.  I have to say that Russia was like I pictured it and very different.  I pictured it to be grey and big, and plain and it was, but it was also full of beautiful buildings, and water everywhere.  I enjoyed our 2 days in Russia.
The tallest builidng in St. Petersburg.  Look how small the people look. 
We were on a bus tour and so many of my pictures are from the bus.  This was an interesting building and I don't even know what it is for.
Big Government building
The Hermitage- this was a Winter Palace of the Tsars and now it is a museum full of artowrk and other artifacts.  It was amazing.

Standing on a wood floor in the Palace!  

Pure Russian.... This is a church.

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