Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Past

Thanksgiving is this week and I was reflecting on all my past Thanksgivings.  I am so thankful for all that I have been blessed with in my life.  My husband, family, home, belief in God and his son Jesus Christ.
As a young girl, we always had fun Thanksgivings with my cousins.  We loved the kids table because we could eat all the food prepared by Grandma and Mom and my Aunt Betty.  We hiked, went swimming, went bowling when our cousins came to town!  I hope that I can pass along that good feeling to my family.

Here are a few memories from our Thanksgiving past:
Last year we had 6 grandchildren and this year we have 8!  So much to be thankful for.
(Eli is missing in this picture)

Last year Ben was in Afghanistan, this year he is safe at home.  We are so grateful for  his safe return.
Here is Eli... last year Eli was the only child in his family... this year he is getting a new brother in April!
We are grateful for our wonderful family
Eating leftovers!  Grateful for food!
Laura with a shotgun... grateful we have boys to teach us how to shoot!
Mama with a gun.... watch out!
Grateful for fun family activities.
Grateful for Family traditions.
 Last year Bryan won the family shoot, beating Dad for the first time in History!
Grateful for a granddaughter!
 We have 7 grandsons, and we are grateful for them too!

I try to keep a grateful journal and it reminds me of how much we truly have to be grateful for.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

She's Great and She's 8

Our Granddaughter turns 8 years old today! She has been a delight to us and we are happy to have her in our family! 
Happy Birthday Kaelynn
She likes to climb

She likes candy

She likes to be in charge and boss her brothers around!

She likes animals

She has touched a cow!

She likes to dance

She likes to act and dress up

We think you are Great!