Monday, February 14, 2011

Our Little Valentines

We took the kids swimming at the new Aquatic Center 2 weeks ago. They seemed to have a great time.

Happy Valentine's Day

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Jimmer Bug

It seems as if everyone had the Jimmer Fredette bug! Here is a video from YouTube featuring none other than Uncle LaVell! It is funny.

Bryan... this is for you since I know how much you love the "Jimmer Craze"  

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Birthday and Walk

January was a busy month filled with fun. I like January because it is my birthday month! This year for my birthday I picked to go to Las Vegas! We enjoyed a weekend retreat there and I loved getting a pedicure!

Here I am on my birthday.... home from warm Las Vegas!  I had to sit by the fire to stay warm.  I am wearing my new necklace from Laura and family.

We had a nice party with Tana, Austen and Dirk....
Thanks everyone for the nice Birthday wishes and gifts.  You're a great family...(the silver gift on the table is from Tana, Austen and Dirk... it was a pedicure kit! AND, they are going to give me a pedicure! can't wait)

Saturday morning was so beautiful, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to go for a walk up the Cedar Canyon Trail. We had some nice warm weather last week... now we are back to freezing cold.

I hope you enjoy these pictures I took along the trail!  

Happy Trails!
